Been really busy lately
I’m still at at work after 15 hours for the third day this week.
So I’ve been scarce lately.
I’m still trying to get time to post something about the 2.1 release and mention the fixes I put into my script…
But I obviously haven’t yet. I typed a reply two or three times to someone in the code cave’s forums (which I haven’t yet announced either) and managed each time to be pulled away onto something and ended up closing the browser…
Plus I had to take my dog in for surgery… Plus the refinance of the house is happening this week….
I’ll catch up one of these days.
RE: the script, I did fix some stuff and put it out in time for the 2.1 release. So, I got the important part done. I just need to write it up…
Hmmm also need to turn in an expense report and pay the garbage bill so they’ll pick up next week… And my nephew’s birthay is Saturday… Oh dagnabbit, it’s 30 minutes till Friday and I haven’t started Sunday school preparations… Hmmm and I’ve got to get the Goldfish some coffee…. At least that I can do tonight…