Just a quick hello! I can see that a bunch of you are still checking in daily and I haven’t posted much this week. So here’s a post to let you know I am still alive. I’ve got a mega-post I’ve...
Oddities other than my picture that is (BTW Should I keep this new one or go back to the old one?) I’ve just upgraded the theme from Binary Blue 1.1.1 to 1.4.0. I did it at 2am when I should have...
This is the story of a man who simply want to create a nice page describing the users of a few games servers for a Return to Castle Wolfenstein mod called The WildWest. He was over joyed when he stumbled across...
By Edgar Rice Burroughs You can view this book’s Amazon detail page here. Tags: Started reading: 31st Jul 2006 Finished reading: 2nd Aug 2006 Review Rating: 6 I started reading A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs to my kids...
By Anne McCaffrey You can view this book’s Amazon detail page here. Tags: Started reading: 24th Jul 2006 Finished reading: 31st Jul 2006 Review Rating: 8 You won’t find me giving any of the books from the Dragon Riders of Pern...
This is a simple one, but I had to look it up. So, by my self imposed rules, I have to post it. This text will constantly scroll memo-like-fields to the end. [delphi] Memo1.SelStart:=Length(Memo1.Text); Memo1.SelLength:=0; SendMessage(Memo1.Handle, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0); [/delphi] This...
The 35 Second upgrade processhas been replaced with the “5 Second Upgrade Script” (link). Follow the link for more information. This post describes a process to upgrade your post to the latest version of WordPress in 35 seconds. Each additional site...