How to create a custom block for Gutenberg Hot Module Replacement for Gutenberg Blocks Gutenberg blocks visual constructor Using React For WordPress Gutenberg Development Working with Editor Styles in Gutenberg Gutenberg Blocks in the Cloud The Guten, the Berg, and the...
Sometimes it is convenient to import terms or posts into a WordPress database. When you do, you may need to create a ‘slug’ column. To do this, I’ve modified a user defined function I found on StackOverflow or some similar site (possibly...
I gave a new client a totally wrong answer the other day. Well, it was right as far as I always knew. Scheduled posts have been a bane to a bunch of blogs I’ve seen. I’d thought that there were bugs...
This was posted to the wp-hackers list by Frank Bültge and I didn’t want to lose it. Here is how to add a new menu item to the admin bar: function wp_codex_search_form() { global $wp_admin_bar, $wpdb; if ( !is_super_admin() || !is_admin_bar_showing()...
OK So, most theme developers are aware of what the loop is… it displays your WordPress posts. The one interesting thing about the loop is that it bounces in and out of the php and straight html output. So, most of...
If you host lots of different sites for people, one of the things you might want to know is what versions of WordPress each site is running. WordPress stores the version number in a variable named $wp_version which is set in...
It’s rare that I open the source code for a random plugin and see every recommended security measure taken. When looking at Chris Boyd‘s plugin GeoLocation Plugin, I kept digging deeper and deeper and found he’d consistently covered everything. This plugin...
When manipulating WordPress databases for exports and merges, sometimes it is helpful to get a list of all of the parents for the categories your posts are in. For the import I am working on right now. The category list is...
While I was rolling around near comatose yesterday WordPress 2.8 beta 1 hit the streets. We plan to do a thorough review of this project on Thursday at the Ohio WordPress meetup here in Akron, Ohio. So, I figured it would...
For various reasons, sometimes the number of comments shown under the title of the post may not match the number of actual comments displayed under the post. Here is a simple SQL statement that will resolve the issue: update `wp_posts` set...