Giving coffee to Goldfish…
Goldfish from is getting a large Café Voltaire from my local coffee Arabica Coffee House, or equal funds towards an other beverage that might be more to taste. ;).

Thanks Goldfish!
Now go check your paypal account! 😉
Goldfish gave me some patient assistance with the RegEx statements required for the EasyWPUpdate script. Without that help, the script would have been weeks away from completion! So, I am going to do my duty and giving thanks, by taking Goldfish out for a drink.
I came across Goldfish and several other helpful characters on the #sed IRC channel on the IRC Freenode network. Now, I’ll admit, that the first thing that comes to mind when I think “IRC” is “IRC?!?!? That SOOOOOOO nineties!”
It was back in the early ninenties that my wife and I spent a lot of time on IRC. We were mostly in the #adoption channel, looking for clues to help find her birth parents (which we did and they are now a very important part of our life). Heck, I used to join the IRC channels back on ARPANet. Anyway I hadn’t touched IRC since then… until three weeks ago.
That’s when Goldfish helped me with the SED stuff. The next night, Goldfish helped bunches more even though I was brain dead from a weary week. There were several other people on the channel who gave me assistence as well. Prec was GREAT and gave me a review of the script and caught some errors with my “Strip CR/LF” routine I’d posted on the website. They suggested that I bounce over to the #bash channel and once there lhunath, jp-_ and the rest of that crew on FreeNode #bash gave great line by line suggestions.
I then had a problem with getting System Shock2 ( a game from the late nineties) working on Windows XP and getting multiplayer going, but then I joined the #SS2 IRC channel and again, there were helpful people there with solutions. So, frankly, I’m once again an IRC fan. All thanks to the Goldfish!
Hey – if you’ve had someone help you lately (not me someone else) consider doing the same… A virtual cup of coffee, a McDonald’s icecream cone, any in expensive little gift can help turn someone’s day around. Give it some thought!