Mafia Wars: Cuba – New BETA Screenshots

A few weeks ago, I’d been asked to beta test the new levels for the popular Zynga Mafia Wars game. Mafia Wars is arguably the most popular and successful of the social media games developed by the recently Venture Capital funded company Zynga. To date, the 1.5 year old, profitable, VC backed Zynga has raised 39 Million dollars in funding. As Mafia Wars is widely popular, there is bound to be great interest in this new Zynga release.

The story starts as I was about to crash for the night and made the mistake of turning on a computer screen. Imagine my surprise when I noticed a “Fly to Cuba” button on the top of my Facebook Mafia Wars page. In this beta release, there are new jobs hidden till you complete the next level and there are loads of new help topics and weapon descriptions and loot items revealed. I’ve made certain to record as much as I can tonight and you can look forward to finding more information in The Code Cave about this new Mafia Wars module.

My Mafia Wars links:
Be My Friend on Facebook
Join My Mafia
Promote me, [LSM] Capt. Queeg, if it will help you
Send me Black Mail Photos! I need 130 more

However, as I am likely to pass out on the keyboard at any moment, for today, you’ll have to be content with these tall images of the Mafia Wars: Cuba Home page and its first Jobs page. Enjoy:

This is the initial page for Mafia Wars: Cuba. Notice the Shared Mafia Wars Resources.
This is the initial page for Mafia Wars: Cuba. Notice the Shared Mafia Wars Resources.
Mafia Wars: Cuba - Jobs -  El Soldado - The Soldier
Mafia Wars: Cuba - Jobs - El Soldado - The Soldier


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