OK, I’m back.
I didn’t mean to go away, but it seems I went away anyway. Things were spiraling way to fast there for a little bit. When I created that yet-to-come mega post about the need to update to the latest version of WordPress (I may yet publish it in some form) it broke me out of the spiral and gave me a chance to breath.I’m now more caught up with things at work. We had a new release of our product and I needed to release new deployment tools. That’s done now. BTW I’m now using a tool a co-worker discovered called Eureka Log. It is an EXCELLENT product. It should be included in just about any Delphi program out there. I’m considering buying a personal copy so that I can use it on any thing I do out of office. Any time an error occurs in your program it allows the user to send you a full stack trace with screen shot via email or internet site. Then with the tarballed .ELF file you can see the full state of their machine at the time of the error, the active button/control and within the stack trace you can double click on each line and it will take you back to the appropriate line in the Delphi source code. Within an hour of its use, I squooshed four bugs that have been in the software for the last year. Perhaps its best feature is that it lets you know that an error has occurred. After all how can you fix something if you don’t get feedback that there is a problem?
Let’s see, what else… My home PC has been rebooting every 5-45 minutes, but I think I may have gotten a handle on that now. But that was not done before I ordered a whole new generation of computer. I wonder if I’ll notice a difference moving from a 333mhz FSB to a 2,000 mhz FSB based system – I haven’t figured out how to compare the CPU improvement yet. It’s a several generatation jump. More on that later – the boxes should arive today!
And things at home are coming more inline. We’ve replaced our old smelly couch with a not-as-old not-smelly couch. We emptied the garage and all its storage. We pressure washed away everything that was growing on the damp garage walls and threw out loads of stuff and reboxed everything else. So, the garage is now in much better condition.
I’d planned to complete everything on my to-do list this weekend but Thursday night I had a salad tasted really bad at the first bite. I’d actually set it aside, but twenty minutes later we were still watching the movie and I was starving at that point and tried it again. It didn’t taste too bad at that point. Boy, was that using my stomach and not my brain. I felt bad the next morning and was a walking zombie by noon. My holiday weekend was spent rolling around in bed having stomach cramps. Anytime I stood up I had extreme vertigo. It was nasty.
I got up and about some on Monday. I actually took a short walk with the kids in a local park – more on that later. Anyway… By 11pm Monday night I was feeling almost normal again and was ready for the weekend to start… Yeesh…
Anyway, I’ve finished two or three more books – I’ve got to get them up for review. I’ve also got three or for draft posts started and I’ve got the whole series Web Bots in Delphi articles I wanted to post. So, there should be pleanty of things coming up on the site as I get back into the swing of more frequent updates. Chow for now!
Welcome back. I was about to send the rescue guys…