Resetting the resolution of a monitor from within Delphi
This is a rescue app that can help a computer that turns on and is obviously working but the customer says nothing comes up on the screen. They quite often won’t admit what was done but the monitor says Freq Out of Range or nothing at all.
Just put this in the startup folder, reboot, and your problem is solved. It also works as a good party trick…
Source and exe:[delphi]
// ****************************************************************************
// ResetRes86 01/Jan/2000
// Written by Brian Layman (AKA Capt. Queeg AKA SilverPaladin)
// Visit him at
// A rescue util for Windows machines that have been set to a resolution not
// supported by the monitor. This has made me a hero for many a customer.
// I also used two modified versions of this tool, each associated with a
// hot key to switch between the resolution my monitors at could use and
// the resolution my monitors at home could use back when I strapped a
// handle onto my work computer and carried it back and forth.
// Warning: This routine changes your Windows settings. It can be used as a
// joke or a tool. It is a good best practice to understand every line
// of new code before you run it, who knows what could be lurking. Better
// yet, do not run this example at all. You should stop right now and erase
// the files. For if it causes blue smoke to be emitted from your network
// card, if it erases all users from your computer, or if it makes your
// sister break up with her lawyer boyfriend and start dating a caver, it
// is not my fault. (Actually that last one might be an improvement, but
// it is still not my fault.) But the fact of the matter is, computers
// have a mind of their own and we programmers live on the wild side.
// Usage: ResetRes.exe
// Simply place this file in the folder:
// C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
// and reboot the computer. When the next person logs it, the monitor
// will be at a resolution and hz cycle supported by all modern CRT and
// LCDs.
// Suggested Usage: If you have a game that
// Donations – If this program & source really helps you out, feel free to
// buy me a cappacino, movie ticket, ebook, or something else small for
// my next “Dad’s Night Out”. You can Paypal to Or
// leave a comment on my blog with your country of origin. Or even better
// yet, add me to your blog roll.
// History:
// 01/Jan/2000 – BL – Created
// ****************************************************************************
program ResetRes86;
Forms, Windows;
{$R *.RES}
// The only required line for a Delphi app…
// Assign the desired device mode
// The BitsPerPel is the only non-selfexlanatory setting I think.
// It controls the color depth as follows.
// 4 = “16 Colors”
// 8 = “256 Colors”
// 16 = “High Color”
// 24, 32 = “True Color”
pDMode.dmBitsPerPel := 8;
pDMode.dmPelsWidth := 800;
pDMode.dmPelsHeight := 600;
// Some touch screen LCDs don’t display at a rate higher than 60
pDMode.dmDisplayFrequency := 60;
// Mark the items that we are changing.
// Pass in the size, since we could change any number of fields.
pDMode.dmSize := SizeOf(pDMode);
// Call ChangeDisplaySettings to assign the settings to the registry and make
// it take effect.
// CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY The graphics mode for the current screen will be changed
// dynamically and the graphics mode will be updated in the registry. The mode
// information is stored in the USER profile.
ChangeDisplaySettings(pDMode, CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY);
Or, you could burn the EXE on a CD and use autorun.inf to get it to come up when the CD is inserted.
Although a call to Windows.MessageBox() wouldn’t go wrong here if you did put it on a CD, just to confirm that you do actually want to change the resolution. Of course, you need to set the OK button as the default, as you will be running the program without a working monitor. The dialog would be for if you did have a working monitor and accidentally put the CD in the drive.
if (Windows.MessageBox(Application.Handle, PChar(‘Are you sure you want to reset the resolution?’), PChar(‘ResetRes86’), MB_OKCANCEL or MB_DEFBUTTON1) = IDOK)
then begin
(app logic)
[Comment Edited by Brian – I split the 1 line Delphi routine into 3 lines. My highlighter code doesn’t like 1 liners. It has no sense of humor]
An Autorun disc… I like it!
It would be a fairly safe assumption that someone making this mistake would have autorun turned on. So that should work.
Good idea, Jeremy!
When you edited it it looks like you were using WP 2.0.3 with its comment editing bugs :(. That ‘s where all the extra slashes are coming from.
Fixed! Thanks!