WordPress and NotePad++

I use NetDrive and NotePad++ to do my WordPress Development, but I’ve customized NPP slightly along the way.
I’ve added the following functions:
Alt-F3 – Search the WordPress codex for the word at the cursor in the editor (usually for filters and actions etc)
Alt-F5 – Look up the word at the cursor as a function on the WordPress Developer wiki (will show the source)
Alt-F6 – Look up the word at the cursor as a function in the WordPress codex (will include examples)

To do this I edited shortcuts.xml

You can edit this file by closing notepad++ and then hitting WindowsKey+R and pasting in: notepad %AppData%\Notepad++\shortcuts.xml
And pressing enter.

 <Shortcut id="41014" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="yes" Key="116" />
 <Macro name="Trim Trailing and save" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="83">
 <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="42024" lParam="0" sParam="" />
 <Action type="2" message="0" wParam="41006" lParam="0" sParam="" />
 <Command name="Launch in Firefox" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="88">firefox &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot;</Command>
 <Command name="Launch in IE" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="73">iexplore &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot;</Command>
 <Command name="Launch in Chrome" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="82">chrome &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot;</Command>
 <Command name="Launch in Safari" Ctrl="yes" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="70">safari &quot;$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)&quot;</Command>
 <Command name="Get php help" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="112">http://www.php.net/$(CURRENT_WORD)</Command>
 <Command name="Google Search" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="113">http://www.google.com/search?q=$(CURRENT_WORD)</Command>
 <Command name="Codex Search" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="114">https://wordpress.org/search/$(CURRENT_WORD)</Command>
 <Command name="WP Developer Function" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="116">https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/functions/$(CURRENT_WORD)/</Command>
 <Command name="Codex Function" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="no" Key="117">https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/$(CURRENT_WORD)</Command>
 <Command name="Open containing folder" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0">explorer $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)</Command>
 <Command name="Open current dir cmd" Ctrl="no" Alt="no" Shift="no" Key="0">cmd /K cd /d $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)</Command>
 <Command name="Open in another instance" Ctrl="no" Alt="yes" Shift="yes" Key="79">$(NPP_DIRECTORY)\notepad++.exe $(CURRENT_WORD) -nosession -multiInst</Command>
 <PluginCommands />
 <ScintillaKeys />


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