17060.07% of all web users visit The Code Cave!
Just ask Alexa!
It’s just too bad that I still have a traffic rank of 481938344,4911027 though…
Reach for Thecodecave.com:
Percent of global Internet users who visit this site
Yesterday 1 wk. Avg. 3 mos. Avg. 3 mos. Change N/A* 17060.06877570095021% 610.41000385% 25372036%
Traffic Rank for Thecodecave.com:
Alexa traffic rank based on a combined measure of page views and users (reach)
Yesterday 1 wk. Avg. 3 mos. Avg. 3 mos. Change N/A* 481938344,4911027 404536456,8665655 5905,46753
Page Views per user for Thecodecave.com:
The number of unique pages viewed per user per day for this site
1 wk. Avg. | 3 mos. Avg. | 3 mos. Change |
Not that Alexa really matters. It’s really funny. I’ve got a high point about three months ago from some post or another. However, my unique visitor average for the last week is double if not triple what that single day showed. I’ve decided that Alexa is an “Ignorant Masses” scale. It measure the folks who were silly enough to skip over the EULA for the Alexa tool bar. ANYONE who actually has read that thing would NEVER install the it. Why in the world would I want Alexa to keep a record of EVERY purchase I make on the web, something they are quite clear that they process and keep. I suspect the majority of the people visiting my site now are those who would look at that EULA and simply shudder or laugh their heads off. That’s why half of them don’t even show up on Alexa’s radar, IMHO.
Wow! 😀
Funny. It looks like they fixed It (or maybe the fix was in before).
It is interesting that Alexa suggests that about 30% of your traffic is from Germany. If I recall correctly, Delphi is big in Germany. Other likely factors?
Hi Lloyd!
The popularity of Delphi in Germany is big part of that traffic, I suspect. However there are some other contributing factors.
There are several German sites that I do comment on. Not the least of which are Count Zero’s site and Michael’s Keukert’s Technozid site (I keep wanting to spell that “Technozoid” which also would be a good name). Since I visited those sites early on and they provided some links back to me, I had a good size German base from the start.
The third factor is that this theme was Developed by Count Zero. While it translates to English quite nicely, there is some lingering core to the theme that probably draws in search sites. And I’m not certain that Alexa will properly filter out all German bots.
Anyway, that’s what I suspect.
BTW, since this post, I’ve come to realize that a chunk of Alexa’s tools are blocked by my firewall. I am seeing these figures from the office every day. What that may mean is that a good portion of this information is being tabulated clientside. And that’s just facinating if that’s the case… Anywhich way you look at it, if the firewall here can cause screwy numbers to come up, the client is doing more than saying “give me this page”.
That means if I dig into the linked JS source code, I can build some nifty little tools….