Author: Brian

New keyboard shortcuts in Windows Vista

OK this is a MAJOR shout out to Daniel Wischnewski for teaching me some new keyboard shortcut. Did you know that the first ten (upper) programs in the Quick Launch area are accessible with the [Win]+[1] through [Win]+[0] key combos? For example in my setup [Win]+[1] is ZTreeWin.  [Win]+[4] is the Vista Snipping Tool (C:\Windows\System32\SnippingTool.exe Try it!!!). [Win]+[0] is the DOS prompt....

How to copy movies to your ipod using free software on windows.

Please see this excellent post by fellow b5er William Lehman (heh I couldn’t remember his last name right now… go figure!  It’s a tough one). I definately plan to do some of this for my own use. I have a dvd recorder and it would be great to take some of those shows I have on DVD. Then I can watch them on my mp4 player.  plus some movies would be great for long trips… Anyway here’s the link: