Jeremy Wright publicly announced today that he has has left the helm of b5media. My family owes a lot to Jeremy Wright. With Aaron Brazell, Jeremy brought me into b5media, full time in this world of new media. I’d not have...
I’ve recommended Rob Miller’s plugins before. I’ve had his Now Reading plug in installed on this blog for a while but some how, in a way neither of us understood, the authors and the titles got mixed beyond my desire to...
It looks like my host changed their default PHP extension last night around 8pm. Whatever they did, and I’m very curious, took out WP-Cache 2. I just got a blank site any time the plugin was enabled. It didn’t matter if I cleared the...
All looks good. Let me know if you see anything wrong. MENTAL NOTE 6743: After update your blogs, do not freak out when the version at the bottom of the page doesn’t change. You simply did not clear your cache via the...
Hang on for the ride! wordpress-2.1.3-RC3.tar.gz Server might be a little slow. And I’m walking away for a bit. It’s nice to be able to do this and get full back ups with 30 seconds of effort…...
The website functioned PERFECTLY as long as you were logged in! HONEST! Anyway, Lloyd, Cindy and Joe EVENTUALLY convinced me that they really weren’t insane. Even my wife told me she got an error on the site, I just thought it...