When installing new software using yum, you will occasionally get the the option of “Is this ok [y/d/N]:” Everyone knows recognizes Yes and No, but the option d may have thrown you for a loop. “d” simply stands for download only....
I recently came across an issue I’d not seen before. After performing what I thought was a proper upgrade, I found that my support and sales portal was displaying the error: Down for Maintenance (Err 2) An upgrade is currently in...
NOTE: This script has been updated to remove the premature deletion of the install directory. Over the last month or two, WHMCS has been updated many times. This is a GOOD THING, but it can be annoying to go through the...
This solution uses grep. Grep is a search tool that exists by default in just about every Linux installation. You can also search Google for Windows Grep. for a Demo, Here is FileA.txt 1. In Both 2. In Both 3. In Both 4....
One of the things that really confused me back in the last millennium was understanding the results I would get from “top -c” or “uptime”. They showed load averages that seemed to make sense when they were low: “0.32 looks like...
It used to worry me when I found that Linux was using almost all the memory available to a system. However all that worry was for naught. Linux is very good at memory management and making sure it has enough memory...
This is a fairly common situation. The short answer is that you usually don’t need to fix anything. This is a non-issue. As long as your MySQL and MySQL Client have the same major version, you can and probably should just...
If you are working with a Linux or Unix server, you may not even know which operating system release is on the server or even if it is a 32 bit or 64 bit machine. How do you even tell if...
Though installations will vary, this is usually done via a file named timezone in the /etc directory. By default, there’s probably already a file there set to the utc timezone. So if you do a cat /etc/timezone you will see TZif2UTCTZif2UTC...
If you host lots of different sites for people, one of the things you might want to know is what versions of WordPress each site is running. WordPress stores the version number in a variable named $wp_version which is set in...