How to create a custom block for Gutenberg Hot Module Replacement for Gutenberg Blocks Gutenberg blocks visual constructor Using React For WordPress Gutenberg Development Working with Editor Styles in Gutenberg Gutenberg Blocks in the Cloud The Guten, the Berg, and the...
You can add these date prototypes to properly display the date and time in another location regardless of whether you are in DST or you or the destination observe DST Date.prototype.stdTimezoneOffset = function () { var jan = new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0,...
Sometimes it is convenient to import terms or posts into a WordPress database. When you do, you may need to create a ‘slug’ column. To do this, I’ve modified a user defined function I found on StackOverflow or some similar site (possibly...
NOTE: This script has been updated to remove the premature deletion of the install directory. Over the last month or two, WHMCS has been updated many times. This is a GOOD THING, but it can be annoying to go through the...
This solution uses grep. Grep is a search tool that exists by default in just about every Linux installation. You can also search Google for Windows Grep. for a Demo, Here is FileA.txt 1. In Both 2. In Both 3. In Both 4....
This is a fairly common situation. The short answer is that you usually don’t need to fix anything. This is a non-issue. As long as your MySQL and MySQL Client have the same major version, you can and probably should just...
Sometimes you just have to start over. I had a database that had a bunch of tables in it, almost 9000. The problem was that I didn’t know if they were the right tables. I had a mysqldump files that did...
{EAV_BLOG_VER:cf05756ccfd5297d} The need for this routine comes up every now and then and it confuses people because they thing date(“W”) will do the trick. Once they realize that’s the week of the year, they start to get all elaborate in finding...
This seems like it should be a really complicated tasks, but once you have done a few it sinks in that this is really simple… Just run each of the following 5 steps as root. Answer any questions with the...
PHP records all errors to a file named error_log I needed to look at the status of a project on two servers to see what errors were being thrown. This command line shows the top 20 errors and how often they...