Concepts demonstrated: Registry Use (See procedure TfrmLoadHive.btnDisplayValueClick(Sender: TObject)) Hives & The Default User hive & .Default (See below) Executing another program from within a Delphi program (See procedure TfrmLoadHive.btnExecRegEditClick) Use of Process Token Privileges in Delphi (See below) RE: Hives The...
This is another small app I wrote for someone to use at the ZTree forum. This one is a DOS batch file that finds files in your search path that match the criteria you pass to it. For instance you could...
Here’s a small app that I wrote to help out Pat Gilbert over on the ZTree support forums. And I quote: > What I need to do is to “gather” the 3rd & 4th lines of text > from a...
or “How to get into the game development business cheaply” pt. 1.” Microsoft does these promotions periodically. Microsoft isn’t REALLY into the individual developer compiler business anymore – that’s not where the cash is. They want to sell multiple enterprise copies...
While GeshiSyntaxColorer's failure was very dissappointing, GeSHi, and syntax highlighting in general, is not lost to the WordPress world thanks to Amit Gupta's iG:Syntax Hiliter. ...
WAS: Safe Source Code Highlighting in WordPress 2.02 Since this is a blog large to be devoted to source code segments, I REALLY wanted to be able to do the kind of code highlighting I’ve seen in Forum software such as...
Multiple field values, specificially multiple check boxes, work differently with GET and POST HTML form submissions. This post explains how, and what to do to get multiple checkboxes to work using the POST method and (spoiler) arrays....
With the "hacking" of the original Wordpress 2.0 theme competition and a new security release of WordPress 2.0, it has been an exciting week. First a (not so) quick word on the competition then a break down of the changes between...
Bitwise Operators Example Name Result $a & $b And Bits that are set in both $a and $b are set. $a | $b Or Bits that are set in either $a or $b are set. $a ^ $b Xor Bits that...
The first of the WordPress 2.0 themes are up! I’m trying out the new BinaryBlue theme. But it has a BIG surprise waiting for non-localized blogs that try it. It will crash your blog and your admin pages. It is a...