This solution uses grep. Grep is a search tool that exists by default in just about every Linux installation. You can also search Google for Windows Grep. for a Demo, Here is FileA.txt 1. In Both 2. In Both 3. In Both 4....
Ok everyone loves to bash Vista. It’s the in thing. I get it. I run vista with the User Access Control (UAC) turned off. Once that is done, it is modern version of Windows XP with some nice features built in....
When working with graphics files on your blog, it is always smart to optimize their size for their targetted use. A simple corner picture does not need an original size of 8.1 mega pixels. On a windows machine, MS Paint can...
OK this is a MAJOR shout out to Daniel Wischnewski for teaching me some new keyboard shortcut. Did you know that the first ten (upper) programs in the Quick Launch area are accessible with the [Win]+[1] through [Win]+[0] key combos? For example in my setup [Win]+[1] is ZTreeWin. [Win]+[4] is the Vista Snipping Tool (C:\Windows\System32\SnippingTool.exe Try it!!!). [Win]+[0] is the DOS prompt....
In working with websites, the only major browser I’ve not been able to test under was Safari. I’ve got IE6, IE7, Firefox, Opera and Mozilla installed and even Konqueror on dual boot on my desktop. But I never could test for Safari....
I’d already decided not to post about this, but then learned more. There is no fix. No work around. I’m vulnerable and at this point, I can’t do anything about it. Even on Vista, just pre-viewing an HTML email in Outlook...
ooohhh, I just love this… It’s funny, but won’t be for anyone uninstalling Delphi 7 in order to install Delphi 2007. Just look at the description from one of the linked articles: After you remove a program from your computer, you...
Here’s an interesting tool I found: the Windows Easy Transfer Companion. Apparently “Windows Easy Transfer Companion enables you to automatically transfer your most important programs from your Windows XP-based PC to your new Windows Vista-based PC. This way you can become productive on...
In my deployment process, it had looked like I was going to need to detect some changes in hardware and then perform a reboot. I researched how to do this but it turns ou that I don’t need this code. Into...
There’s always the easy way. by Right clicking and choosing properties on the start bar: But here’s the quick and dirty… Create a .reg file with this content and apply it. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage] “Favorites”=hex:00 “FavoritesChanges”=dword:00000001 “FavoritesResolve”=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00...