WordPress 2.8 Beta 1 Released

While I was rolling around near comatose yesterday WordPress 2.8 beta 1 hit the streets. We plan to do a thorough review of this project on Thursday at the Ohio WordPress meetup here in Akron, Ohio. So, I figured it would would be a good time to run it officially here in The Code Cave.

The upgrade process is as simple as always. Unzip the file, copy it over the existing files, go to wp-admin upgrade and click continue. When the official release comes out, I plan upgrading my wp-upgrade script as I still think it is useful. Even though WordPress itself has upgrade abilities within it, the full file backup and database backup that my script does, still provides added benefit. So, I’ll keep it around a while longer.

As for WordPress 2.8, you don’t need to fear about learning a totally new system from scratch. There are a number of nice changes and tweaks, but the basic interface remains the same. There are a lot of changes for plugin developers and the like, but the everyday users will see some things like the new widget drop zone that makes it easy to make a widget inactive without loosing its settings. I’ll be testing over the next few weeks to see what I’d consider note worthy for a release post. I used to even do a line by line comparison, but I don’t know if I’ll don’t be returning to that. For now you can read about the changes here.

If there is any part of this upgrade that you definitely think we should cover at the Ohio WordPress Meetup, please let me know so that I don’t miss it!


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