I reading the news articles right on the CodeGear home page, and in the first one, “CodeGear Announced General Availability of Delphi for PHP (March 27, 2007)”, I happened to see a name that looked somewhat familiar! Sometime after what...
Well, it’s been a Busy, three weeks here. Things are finally falling into place. Sometimes that just happens. You swing into these intense periods where things go 90 mph. It all started when my wife’s latest commissions check on her book buys her a...
ooohhh, I just love this… It’s funny, but won’t be for anyone uninstalling Delphi 7 in order to install Delphi 2007. Just look at the description from one of the linked articles: After you remove a program from your computer, you...
A WordPress Explosion That’s right folks there are gonna be about 90 new WordPress blogs out there. Blogs.CodeGear.com, Borland’s home for Employee Blogs, and Blogs.TeamB.com, home for a sqad of volunteers who support the CodeGear community, are leaving the open source .Text solution behind forever. ...
This just in from Davidi To all Registered Delphi 2007 for Win32 Developers Mark your calendars for this one-time only, online exclusive FREE event! On Thursday, March 29th (for registered users of Delphi 2007 for Win32), you’re invited to spend a...
When I was first fiddling around with the beta test stuff for Delphi for PHP, and before I’d gotten BetaBlogger status, I’d put together a post with what history I’d been able to scrounge about D4PHP from the WayBack Machine and...
Sorry, just got a spam email with that title. It was so good I had to share… “chipmunk psychotherapist” just inspires such visions… Does anyone remember the song from the Dr. Demento show about the squirrel/chipmonk crossing the road? Oooo that’s gonna...
OK, I just got back from church and I am stuffed from the three bowls of soup and a huge salad. So, I am feeling lazy, but I still want to get a Delphi for PHP article out (since I have...
If you haven’t gone to http://video.codegear.com/coderage/ConferenceEval.exe/t_new and rated the conference, please do so now! Over-all I rated most as very good, with some obvious exceptions for things I didn’t attend and for the sound. Here were my comments: Please put the links...