I stumbled across this one weeks ago, and saw it again yesterday. I though I would share: Warning: This could bother very young kids even with an explanation of what’s happened…* It certainly bothered the peole in the park that day…...
I’ve taken an idea from Lloyd D Budd‘s email to me “Well Met Cave Coder” and created a “People of WordPress” link category. Never mind the fact that during his rearrange, I seem to have dropped off the end of his...
When working toward updating my upgrade script to read the usernames and passowords from the wp-config files, I came across this helpful list: ————————————————————————- USEFUL ONE-LINE SCRIPTS FOR SED (Unix stream editor) Dec. 29, 2005 Compiled by Eric Pement – pemente[at]northpark[dot]edu...
THIS ARTICLE IS OUT DATED. Please see: http://www.TheCodeCave.com/EasyWPUpdate for the current release. Well I’ve upgraded the 35 Second upgrade script significantly for this release. Here’s a summary of the new features: Customizable options at the top of the script Works for...
WordPress 2.0.6 has been officially released (link) and you definately need to get this one. 2.0.6 was originally just a bunch of minor updates, but now includes several critical security patches. In fact, one of the core “make this information safe”...
I often see an rr.com site in my logs and wonder where it is from. When trying to figure out if WOH.RR.com was Western OHio, I came across this list (link). Into cold storage it goes… (It really isn’t very interesting...
In my deployment process, it had looked like I was going to need to detect some changes in hardware and then perform a reboot. I researched how to do this but it turns ou that I don’t need this code. Into...
Three days into a new exercise schedule… Two days into getting to work an hour and a half early so that you can get a solid 45 minute work out in…. You may feel more awake, but it is a whole...
There’s always the easy way. by Right clicking and choosing properties on the start bar: But here’s the quick and dirty… Create a .reg file with this content and apply it. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows \CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartPage] “Favorites”=hex:00 “FavoritesChanges”=dword:00000001 “FavoritesResolve”=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00...
If you aren’t familiar with the Eighth Doctor, the one before Christopher Eccleston, you can listen to a brand episode that aired on BBC7 this past Sunday starring Paul McGann. Here is a quick sample: Link Blood of the Daleks(link) The...